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What it Means to be Cypriot

First-time visitors are drawn to Cyprus for one or more of several reasons: the Mediterranean climate, the beaches, the history and archaeology, the UNESCO listed churches, the mountain trails, and the fresh and tasty food… But there is primarily one factor that brings visitors back, again and again, and that is the culture and character of the Cypriots.



Cypriot Culture

Cypriots are very family-oriented and not only child-friendly but child-doting. Here the extended family is still alive and kicking. Grandparents are widely responsible for child-care and in their old age are cared for by their children. Good neighbourly relations are valued and pursued, often with regular food and dessert traffic between them. On the other hand, Cypriots have an intrinsic interest in visitors, which may start as innocent curiosity but often leads to genuine bonds.

The immediate result is that visitors are integrated into the social fabric at an exceptionally fast rate – compared to other European countries – and it is precisely that, which brings them back again, often to the same town, even to the same hotel. Many are the resort hotels that have repeat guests who have registered dozens of visits; guests who become friends before ultimately buying Cyprus property and making the island the home of their heart.

Expatriate Community

Over time the island has attracted a sizeable expatriate community from East and West and of all ages. Young professionals seek employment in multinational organizations or start up their own business, benefitting from the healthy work-life balance that is the norm rather than the exception. Perhaps it’s the sunshine and the fact that people are able to spend their leisure time outdoors most months of the year.

Those who never considered relocating to Cyprus during their working years often make a mental note to retire in this welcoming environment, where they can enjoy the Cypriot-Mediterranean way of life, with a cosmopolitan, multicultural dimension provided by expatriates of very mixed backgrounds. And somehow this mix creates a diversity that counteracts extremes: career ambition is healthy but reasonable, so family life is not sacrificed; local entertainment is wholehearted but remains within the boundaries of decency; traditional festivals and holidays are quickly adopted by all nationalities – possibly with individual modifications – leading to island-wide celebrations shared by everyone.

In short, such is the hospitable, relaxed, unaffected yet proud nature of the Cypriots, that expatriates who have spent a few years on the island often find themselves becoming… more Cypriot than the Cypriots.

The Group brings together experts in every area of the property market, to offer clients the complete chain of property related services, from the sourcing of prime land parcels in Cyprus, to managing and maintaining the value of each SkyPrime property over time.