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US Visa Will Soon No Longer be Required for Cypriots

A working group has been formed to expedite procedures for canceling visas for Cypriot passport holders who wish to travel to the United States.

Three Cypriot ministers have held a joint meeting with the Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Mr. Carl Risch, to strengthen the cooperation between Cyprus and the United States of America in this respect.

In particular, the progress made in joining Cyprus to the list of countries whose citizens do not need a visa to enter the United States (Visa-Free Visa Program) was examined, and it was decided to immediately create a group consisting of competent representatives from both governments for further actions.

In a statement, the foreign minister commented on the group that will “speed up efforts aimed at bringing the process [joining the VWP] to fruition as soon as possible”.

The US Visa Waiver Program enables countries who are approved to travel to the US for tourism and business for 90 days or less without obtaining a visa.

US & Cyprus Relationship

This progress towards a Visa-Free Program is another step towards the US and Cyprus close relationship. Following the discovery of natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean the US continues to have deep involvement and collaboration with Cyprus in the Cyprus reunification talks. The Texas-based Nobel Energy and American ExxonMobil are some of the major international oil companies that have secured exploration rights in Cypriot waters.

As work between the US & Cyprus will go forward into the foreseeable future and progress on US visas no longer being required for Cypriots continue, the countries’ bonds are set to become stronger.


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